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Procrastination is kicking my ass!

I come to you humbled. Lately, I have been getting my ass kicked by procrastination. I tried but I couldn’t get my work done. The thing about procrastination is that it feels like you are doing the right thing at the time. As you look back at your days, you see how much time you wasted. This shit sucks. I could have done so many things if I had just been dedicated. I started to allow the way I viewed myself change. I started to hate what I saw in the mirror. A lazy ass waste of space and youth.  Procrastination can and will effect the way you view yourself if you allow it. You should be critical of yourself, but you must have empathy. You are only human and will fall short at times. I have said in a previous post that it is not about falling off but about how fast you get up. The question becomes what if you took to long to get up? Well now you have to start over. That’s discouraging but its ok. This is not the time to allow emotions to get control of you again. Remember your purpose. Remember your desires and remember the commitment you made to yourself. We are hustlers and are in this for the long run. A few bad days, shit, a few bad weeks can not define you. You define yourself by your actions and decisions. Now is the best time to pay attention to your thoughts and dominate them. The situation may be grim, but a hustler must hustle. Hurt, tired, sad, scared, etc. we must hustle. Unless you are ready to give up you must hustle. We hustle to get momentum on our side and to make the vision of ourselves come true. As I am writing these words there is a voice in the back of my head telling me to give up.

In time of weakness our focus must be strongest

The voice is telling me that I haven’t wrote anything in weeks, another day won’t hurt. The phone is ringing, and the children are crying for my attention, but I cannot be defeated again. If I stop, I don’t know when I will be able to start again. In time of weakness our focus must be strongest. We have already fallen short and momentum is not on our side. We must fight that much harder to get up the mountain. This is me fighting up the mountain. This article may not be perfect, and you may not read it. The thing is this article is not for you, you can use it but its not for you. This article is for me. I am battling procrastination, and this is my last stand. I must show procrastination that I am the boss. I make the decisions in my life and not my emotions. I will be great even if I don’t feel like it. I want you to be able to do the same. Notice the grasp procrastination has and you and force it to let go. If you are after growth, then grow the gods require it from you. The hustle requires it from you.

If you aren’t going to grow the best thing you can do is accept your life as it is. It makes no sense to crave a life that you may never acquire without work. Do yourself a favor and accept your circumstances and keep doing the things you were doing to be comfortable. You will become depressed if you keep wanting things you cannot have. Listen, nothing in life is guaranteed even with hard-work you can fall short. Acceptance is key. Accept yourself and your circumstances then try to change them if you WANT to.

Keep FUCKIN’ HUSTLIN’ I know I will not stop. See you on the next one.

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