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How to Find a Mentor

How to Find a Mentor


Do you need a mentor or are you lazy and scared? I hear people talk about needing a mentor and how having a mentor will boost their hustles. Having a mentor may be nice but I don’t believe a mentor is a necessity. Especially, in the beginning of your journey when you have no experience. I believe you shouldn’t have a mentor until you have done some work, some research on your own or have had some success. Once you have done some groundwork on your own it will become easier to find a mentor. A mentor/mentee relationship should be a give and take relationship. Both the mentor and the mentee should benefit from the relationship. You can not give if you have nothing to offer. Be a friend and be friendly. You would not want to do anything for a gimmie gimmie type of person. Remember to treat people with respect. Keep that in mind the next time you are looking for a mentor.

Your first mentors should be information. Take a class, read some books, and watch videos. There are plenty of places to learn. You need a base level knowledge to move forward. A strong foundation to build a beautiful home on. Building a foundation can be guided but it is best if you look around. Learn as much as you can without wasting too much time. Invest in yourself before obligating a person to invest in you.

When you are looking for a mentor make it easy for them to help you. In my experience when people say that need a mentor, they really want a person to do all the hard work for them. Which is why people, especially successful people, don’t want to be mentors. They have already done the hard work for themselves, why would they want to do your hard work for free. Successful people are busy being successful. Look at it from the successful persons point of view. They have families, dreams, goals, and hobbies too. If they mentor you, they lose time to do the things they want to do. That’s why you have to make it worth it for them and make it as easy as possible. Once you find a mentor, don’t bother them all the time. Only call your mentor for things you absolutely can’t figure out.

Choose a mentor that is ahead of you but not way ahead of you. You will get little benefit from a millionaire mentor if you have ten dollars to your name. The millionaire is so far ahead of you his solutions won’t resolve your problems. You need a mentor that is at a level that is attainable by you. He should be able to show you the obstacles that you are expecting soon because he just overcame those obstacles. He/She remembers the feelings that you are about to feel and can relate to you. As you upgrade your skills you may have to upgrade your mentor. As you grow you will be able t reach out to more successful mentors. It is a win-win for everybody. We all grow and get better.

This is how you find a mentor. Get in the field and do the work that you can by yourself. While you are taking actions, look for other people in the field. Watch what they are doing. Are they winning or are they losing? Reach out to them and speak, don’t ask them for anything right now. Acknowledge their hard work and keep it pushing. Try to find a way to add value to the person you want to mentor you. Finding ways to add value will be difficult but you can do it. Treat your potential mentor like a friend, don’t be an entitled ass. This person doesn’t owe you anything. At the end of the day, they are doing more of a favor for you than you are for them. Once you built a relationship with this potential mentor, take them to lunch or an environment where you can ask questions to receive feedback.

I saved the best for last. Are you ready? PAY FOR A MENTORSHIP. Nothing says I want to learn from you like cold hard CA$H. If you are super serious about a mentor and you believe this person can take you to the next level, pay them. It should be worth it. If you can’t pay them then return to the above paragraphs.

Do you need a mentor? Fuck no. Will you do better with a mentor? Maybe. Bottom line nothing will work unless you do. I wouldn’t put to much of my energy in finding a mentor. I would focus on creating profits on my own. The better I get the more opportunities I will have. Stop looking for ways out of hard work and get shit done!!!!!!

Let’s Go!!

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